Excel Tutorial

Unique way to Calculate age in excel from birthday in years, months, and days | DATEDIF Formula

In this video, today we are going to learn how to calculate the difference between 2 dates in terms of Years, Months, Weeks, & Days.
✔️ We are using the excel hidden formula DATEDIF which you can use in all the Excel versions so far.
✔️ DATEDIF formula help us to Calculates the number of days, months, or years between two dates.
✔️ This video is beneficial for everyone who is interested to learn advanced excel. For more information visit our website – https://mdatafinnovatics.com/

Unlock the Secret to Automatically Updating Excel Drop Down List | Data Validation

In this video, we are going to learn 3 important points related to Drop down list:
✔️ How to update drop down list automatically
✔️ How to update the drop-down list with unique values only
✔️ How to update the drop-down list in alphabetical order.

How to use cell Referencing in Excel | How to freeze data in Excel

There are 3 types of cell references in excel:
✔️ Absolute Referencing
✔️ Relative Referencing
✔️ Mixed Referencing.
Relative Referencing: It is the default referencing in excel where the formula is working dynamically. If the formula is copied from one cell and pasted to the different cell(s), the relative positions of rows and columns will change accordingly.

Learn to use VLOOKUP with Multiple Criterias in Excel

Formula Used - VLOOKUP function and CHOOSE formula

Excel function Vlookup is used to look up and retrieve data from a particular column in the table in Excel. In this vlookup tutorial you will learn:
✔️ How to use the vlookup function with multiple criteria 
✔️ How to use the vlookup formula and choose formula together
✔️ How to use Vlookup with duplicate values in the column or if multiple criteria come in the data.

Excel pivot table grouping | Grouping fields in pivot table

Formula Used - Nested IF

Pivot table grouping helps to show a subset of data to analyze in detail. Most of us know, how to create pivot tables in excel. But very few of us know what is pivot table grouping and how to use grouping fields in pivot table. 🔥🔥🔥🔥What you will learn in this Pivot Table tutorial:
✔️ What is pivot table grouping
✔️ How to apply pivot table grouping

Complete tutorial on AUTO REFRESH PIVOT TABLE in #excel

Formula Used - Pivot table automatically with VBA Code

Most of us know, how to create pivot tables in excel. But very few of us know how automatically update the pivot tables when source data changes. In this video, you will learn, how to automatically refresh the pivot table when data in the sheet changes.🔥🔥🔥What you will learn in this Auto-refresh Pivot table tutorial:
✔️ Refresh Pivot table automatically with VBA Code

Set notification & reminder of expiry date in #excel

Formula Used - Excel filter function & conditional formatting

Learn how to set automatic notifications and reminders of expiry dates in excel. How to use advanced filter function and advanced conditional formatting to set notification alert in excel. To get expiry or due date notifications or messages in excel is beneficial for the user of the data. In this set notification or reminder of due date tutorial, you will learn:
✔️ How to use filter function and conditional formatting for due or expiry date alert.
✔️ How to extract only data that is going to expire within 30 days

How to add and link target line with scrollbar in charts in excel

Formula Used - Excel IF

Most of us work on excel on daily basis and deal with huge data. It is very important to understand how to present your huge data in the form of graphs and charts which can be presented to the management and helps in decision making.
🔥🔥 What you will learn in this add target line with scrollbar tutorial:
✔️ How to add target line in excel chart
✔️ How to link scrollbars with target line in excel

Conditional formatting in excel | Excel cell borders | Dynamic borders excel

Formula Used - Dynamic borders excel

Multiple times we do the data entry or copy & paste the data in excel from different sources and then we do all borders or use conditional formatting borders in excel manually. Learn to apply dynamic borders on data in excel without using VBA. In this automatic borders apply tutorial, you will learn:
✔️ How to add border in excel automatically in specific cells
✔️ How to apply borders automatically in the complete row

Excel pivot table auto refresh | Advanced pivot tables

Formula Used - OFFSET, COUNTA

Learn 2 ways to automatically refresh the pivot table in excel, when the data sources change. You will also learn, to automatically refresh the pivot table when data in the sheet changes.🔥🔥
What you will learn in this video:
✔️ Refresh Pivot table automatically with formula
✔️ Refresh Pivot table automatically without formula

Link/Combine and consolidate data of two (multiple)spreadsheets in excel

Formula Used - Link two excel files together

Learn how to make a data connection between two excel workbooks along with a set timer to automatically refresh linked excel file data every 5 minutes. When we need the reference of a data on daily basis then the best option is to link data from different excel sheets and workbooks which saves a lot of time. In this tutorial you will learn:
✔️ How to link cells in different excel spreadsheets
✔️ Data refresh in Excel Automatically every 2 or 5 minutes

Restrict copy and paste in excel | protect cells from editing

Formula Used - Protect data in an excel sheet

Learn to protect data in excel is important which you can restrict users from copying and pasting data in excel. It is very easy to lock cells and protect sheets in excel but most of us don’t know how to restrict users from copying the data. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Learn in this video:
✔️ How to protect data in an excel sheet
✔️ Restrict users from copying and pasting data in excel sheet

Use Dynamic Scroll Bars in Excel without VBA | Scroll bar in excel

Formula Used - Excel INDEX Function

On regular basis, we all work on huge data with multiple rows and columns. But have you ever thought if we can squeeze 5000 rows & 20 columns of data in just 10 rows and 10 columns?🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 What you will learn in this video:
✔️ How to use horizontal scrolling
✔️ How to use Index formula in excel
✔️ How to squeeze 5000 rows & 20 columns of data in just 10 rows and 10 columns

Userform combobox | How to use Combo box in Excel without VBA

Formula Used - Excel FILTER Function

The user can select the options from the excel Combobox dropdown list based on which the filtered data will be extracted from the other sheet automatically. No manual efforts are required to copy & paste the data from one sheet to another. Everything is going to happen without VBA. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
What you will learn in this video:
✔️ How to activate developer tab to the ribbon
✔️ How to use excel filter function

How to delete blank rows in excel | how to remove blank rows in excel

Formula Used - Excel IF, ROW, SMALL, INDEX, IFERROR, FILTER Function

Learn 3 different tricks on how to delete blank cells and clean data in excel without VBA. Learn how to do data cleaning in Excel quickly without VBA which can save a lot of time in excel.. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
What you will learn in this video:
✔️ How to delete blank rows in excel with formula
✔️ Office 365 formulas

Sumproduct Formula in multiple conditions (from basic to advanced)

Formula Used - Excel SUMPRODUCT, SUMIFS function

Sum product function in excel help us to save a lot of time. The sumproduct function in excel is the combination of product and sum formulas in excel. Let’s see how to use sumproduct with multiple criteria in hindi.🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 What you will learn in this video:
✔️ How to apply sumproduct function in excel in Hindi
✔️ How to use sumproduct formula in multiple conditions in excel

Vlookup and if function together | VLOOKUP with if function in Hindi

Formula Used - Excel IF, VLOOKUP, IFERROR function

Have you ever thought about which is a better formula – IF or VLOOKUP. Actually, both are good formulas because both of them have their own importance. But today, in this video we are going to discuss which can be the possible scenarios where the VLOOKUP formula can replace the IF formula in excel and how to use the IF and VLOOKUP formula together.

Excel filter function | Filter formula in excel || Dynamic filters | Advanced filter or criteria

Formula Used - Excel filter, Sum & Text formula

Most of us know how to apply filter in excel. When data is filtered, it shows only the rows which meet the filter criteria, and the other rows will be hidden. We use the filter function in excel manually but excel 365 gives the flexibility to use the filter as a formula which helps to extract the data dynamically. In this video, you will learn what is excel filter function and how to extract the data from one sheet to another automatically using this formula.

Xlookup can only replace multiple formulas in excel | xlookup vs vlookup

Formula Used - Excel Vlookup, Hlookup, Xlookup, Match. Iferror, Sum, Wildcards, Offset function

Learn what is excel xlookup and how xlookup is different from vlookup formula. We all are familiar with excel vlookup formula. There is a new formula which is available as of now only in office 365 Xlookup, which can replace multiple formulas in excel completely and vlookup is one of them. This is the part 1 of xlookup formula.

Excel xlookup | Xlookup hindi | Xlookup vs Vlookup in Excel

Formula Used - Excel Vlookup function

We all are familiar with excel vlookup formula. There is a new formula which is available as of now only in office 365 Xlookup, which can replace multiple formulas in excel completely and vlookup is one of them. This is the part 1 of xlookup formula.What you will learn in this video:
✔️ What is xlookup in excel
✔️ Benefits of excel xlookup function
✔️ xlookup vs vlookup in excel

Stop use to enter any wrong information in excel | Custom Data validation

Formula Used - Excel AND, LEN, ISNUMBER function

On daily basis, we use excel, but it will be a challenging and time-consuming task when we get unstructured data from the user. So, in this video, we are explaining 3 different scenarios of how you can stop the user from entering the wrong data in Excel. After using these tricks, you can prepare the data in such a way that the user will enter only the information which you allow him to enter.🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

How to extract numbers from text in excel | Extract number formula excel

Formula Used - Excel CONCAT, IF, ISNUMBER, MID, ROW, INDIRECT, LEN function

Learn how to extract numbers from text in excel using formulas and without formulas. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 What you will learn in this video:
✔️ How to extract numbers from text in excel
✔️ How to clean the data
✔️ How to use Add-Ins in excel
✔️ How to separate text and numbers in excel

Extract data from multiple sheets in a single sheet in excel in #Hindi

Formula Used - Excel SUM, INDIRECT function

Extract values from multiple sheets into a single sheet WITHOUT using excel VBA in HINDI. The indirect function in excel is one of the advanced excel formulas which is commonly asked in interviews nowadays.
What you will learn in this video:
✔️ What is Indirect Formula in excel in Hindi
✔️ How to use Indirect with sum function or sum with indirect formula in excel

Offset Function in Excel | Excel Offset Function | Excel Offset range

Formula Used - Excel COUNTIF, OFFSET, MATCH, AVERAGE function

Learn what are other formulas in excel that we can use to replace Vlookup and Match or Index and Match at basic, intermediate, and advanced levels. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
✔️ What is the offset function in excel and how to use it in excel
✔️ How to use offset with index and match Formula in Excel

How to create excel drop down list | Drop Down List in Excel | Data Validation in Excel

Formula Used - Excel IF, COUNTIF, ROW, INDEX, SMALL, IFERROR, OFFSET function

If you are interested in learning advanced topics in Excel then, this video is for you, where you will learn to create excel drop-down list by using the data validation function in excel. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
✔️ How to create an excel drop-down list.
✔️ How to use IF, Coutif, Row, Index, Small, Iferror, Offset, and Name manager to create drop-down list.

Complete tutorial on Data Validation with formulas in excel in Hindi

Formula Used - Excel COUNTIF, COUNTIFS, SUMIF, VLOOKUP function

Data validation in excel is used to restrict the user from entering the wrong or duplicate value. The data validation function in excel is quite useful to protect or apply multiple types of retractions on data. The custom data validation function in excel provides the flexibility to customize data as per requirement by using multiple formulas.
So, this is the complete data validation video for all the users. Learn & apply

Excel drop down list | Data Validation | Drop down List


Learn to use basic and advanced levels of Drop down list in excel. How to create a dynamic and customized drop-down list in excel.: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
✔️ create excel drop-down list
✔️ Create Name Manager in Excel
✔️ Dynamic Drop down list in Excel

Index Match in Excel | Index Match multiple criteria

Formula Used - Excel INDEX, MATCH function

Learn to use Index Match Formulas in Excel in different scenarios: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
✔️ What is the Index formula in Excel?
✔️ What is the Match formula?
✔️ How to use the Index Match in excel?

Nested IF +And formula in excel | IF function excel | Excel Tutorial

Formula Used - Excel NESTED IF, AND function

This video is beneficial for everyone who is interested to learn everything about IF and AND Formula in detail. In this video, you will learn how to use the Nested IF in Excel with AND formula 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
✔️ What is Nested IF in excel
✔️ How to use Nested IF + AND Formula

Power Query in Excel | Import data from SQL Server to Excel

Formula Used - Power Query in Excel

This video is beneficial for everyone who is interested to learn everything about IF and AND Formula in detail. In this video, you will learn how to use the Nested IF in Excel with AND formula 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
✔️ What is Nested IF in excel
✔️ How to use Nested IF + AND Formula

How to create dynamic charts in Excel based on latest dates

This video is beneficial for everyone who is interested to learn how to create dynamic charts in Excel.
✔️ How to update the chart automatically
✔️ How to extract the data from the latest dates automatically

Excel Data Analysis | Data Analyst

Formula Used - EOMONTH Formula

In this video, you will learn how to use custom dates in Excel.🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
✔️ How Data Analyst do analytics in Excel
✔️ Excel Data Analysis

VLOOKUP formula from A TO Z with multiple formula in multiple conditions in excel


Learn what is VLOOKUP in excel and how to apply it in multiple conditions. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
✔️ Scenario 1 – IF + ISTEXT + VLOOKUP
✔️ Scenario 2 – VLOOKUP + MATCH + MAX

Conditional formatting in excel | Excel Tips and Tricks

Formula Used - IF + COUNTIF + LEFT Formula

In this video, you will learn how to apply Validation checks by using Advanced Conditional Formatting in Excel with formulas 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
✔️ OR + COUNTIF Formula
✔️ OR + COUNTIF + LEFT Formula

Conditional formatting in excel | Excel Tips and Tricks

Formula Used - IF + COUNTIF + LEFT Formula

In this video, you will learn how to use Advanced Conditional Formatting in Excel with formulas 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
✔️ Conditional Formatting + MIN Formula
✔️ Conditional Formatting + VLOOKUP Formula

Advanced Excel Formulas | VLOOKUP Formula

Formula Used - VLOOKUP + MID + FIND + MATCH formula

In this video, you will learn how to use multiple formulas together in Excel at an Advanced level 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
✔️ How to use Vlookup Formula in Excel
✔️ How to Fill blank values in Excel
✔️ How to use Sumif Formula with Wildcards

Advanced Excel Formulas | VLOOKUP Formula

Formula Used - VLOOKUP + LEFT + CONCATENATE formula

In this video, you will learn how to use multiple formulas together in Excel at an Advanced level 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Conditional formatting in excel | Excel Tips and Tricks | Conditional Formatting kya hota h

In this video, you will learn how to use Advanced Conditional Formatting in Excel with formulas 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
✔️ How to highlight one Column based on another column’s value
✔️ How to use Formulas in Conditional Formatting in Excel
✔️ How to highlight data in one sheet based on another sheet of data

Filter in Excel | Excel Advanced Filter | excel advanced filter copy to another sheet

Filter is used to extract unique records from the large database as per requirements. Filtering can be done from basic to advanced levels.
✔️ What is filter and advanced filter in excel
✔️ How to extract unique records?
✔️ How to apply Excel Advanced Filter?
✔️ How to move data from one sheet to another without copying the information?

Custom Sort data in excel | How to sort data in excel | Sorting

In this video, you will learn how to use Advanced Sorting in Excel like: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
✔️ How to sort data in excel by Color?
✔️ How to sort the multiple columns together in excel?
✔️ How to sort the data in EAP order?

Learn to use MULTIPLE ADVANCED formulas together in excel in Hindi

Formula Used - IF, TEXT, EOMONTH & SUMIF formulas

Multiple Advanced Formulas together in Excel. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
✔️ Today’s total sales (SUMIF Formula + TODAY Formula)
✔️ Yesterday’s total sales (SUMIF Formula + TODAY Formula)
✔️ Total sales in the current month (SUMIF Formula + EOMONTH + TODAY Formula)
✔️ Total sales in the current month for “US” Order ID (SUMIFS + EOMONTH + TODAY Formula)
✔️ Calculate Total sales of the current month in all years (SUM + IF + TEXT + TODAY Formula)

Complete Excel tutorial on Advanced IF Formula with multiple conditions

Formula Used - IF, LEFT, SUMIF formulas

Learn how to use logical functions in excel like if function with multiple conditions. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
✔️ How to fill blank cells by IF Formula in Excel?
✔️ How to use the SUM and IF formula in Excel with array conditions?
✔️ How to use SUM, IF, and LEFT formulas with array conditions?
✔️ How to extract Unique Employee ID count?
✔️ How Extract a Unique Employee ID count in multiple conditions?

How to Extract First and Last Name

Formula Used - LEFT, RIGHT, LEN, FIND formulas

Learn how to extract the First and Last Names of the world’s richest people.. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
✔️ Use Text Formulas in Excel (LEFT, RIGHT, LEN, FIND).
✔️ Extract First and Last Name.

Link Charts with check boxes in excel

learn how to create Excel Dashboard in Excel with linking charts with checkboxes without using VBA 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Checkboxes in dashboards are used to change the data according to need.
Linking charts with checkboxes helps to show the complete data in a small space with diversifications.

Conditional formatting in excel | Excel Tips and Tricks | AND Formula in Excel

Formula Used - AND formulas with Conditional formatting

In this video, you will learn how to use Advanced Conditional Formatting in Excel with formulas 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
✔️ How to color Excel Data Automatically
✔️ How to use Formulas in Conditional Formatting in Excel
✔️ How to color the data through Drop-Down selection

Create Invoice in Excel | Excel Invoice

In this video, you will learn how to create an Invoice in Excel and perform other tasks automatically.
✔️ How to Create Invoice in Excel?
✔️ How to save data in Excel automatically?
✔️ How to generate an Invoice in PDF format automatically (Excel to PDF)?

Learn the basic and advanced features of Pivot Table

Learn the basic and advanced features of Pivot Table and how to use them in Excel.
✔️ What are Slicers and how to use them in Excel Pivot Table?
✔️ What are Timelines and how to use them in Excel Pivot Table?
✔️ How to compare current and last year’s Sales?
✔️ How to Change Data Source in Excel Pivot Table?

Attendance Management System | Dynamic Attendance Sheet in Excel

Prepare the attendance sheet for the complete year in a single sheet.
✔️ Easy customization of the data.
✔️ Custom data easily extracted.
✔️ Creating a small dashboard.
✔️ Full-fledged Attendance Management System.

Basic and Advanced features of Pivot Table and how to use them in Excel.

learn the basic and advanced features of Pivot Table and how to use them in Excel.
✔️ How to create Excel Pivot Table?
✔️ How to create a summary in Excel?
✔️ How does Pivot Table helps in Reporting?
✔️ What are the Filters, Rows, Columns, and Values section in Pivot Table?

Complete Excel filter from basic to advanced

Filter function in excel allows doing the analysis quickly in excel.
✔️ How much were the total sales in March 2021 (Using Filter in Excel)?
✔️ How much were the total sales in last week (Using Filter in Excel)?
✔️ How much were the sales in Los Angeles city under Furniture Category?
✔️ Which are the top 10 Sales values?

Countif Formula in Excel | Data Validation | AND with COUNTIF


Learn what are the different Count formulas in Excel and how to use them. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
✔️ AND with COUNTIF Formula

21 Advanced excel tricks & tips for Data entry in Hindi

21 excel tips & tricks with examples that you can use for data entry work in Excel. These excel tips & tricks will be very helpful for anyone who works on data. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 
✔️ How to enter data in excel through forms
✔️ How to highlight duplicates in excel in Hindi
✔️ How to enter data in excel for beginners
✔️ How to become an expert in data entry in excel
✔️ How to copy the formatting in excel in Hindi

Top 5 Excel Tips and Tricks


In this video, you will learn the top 5 tips & tricks that can be used in Excel to manage the work and to save huge time. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
✔️ How to extract the top 5 Order IDs based on Sales
✔️ How to use the Flash Fill option in Excel
✔️ How to apply formula without impacting the formatting of the data
✔️ How to add blank rows on an alternate basis
✔️ How to use VLOOKUP Formula and SUMIF Formula in Data Validation.

Remove duplicates in excel | How to remove duplicates in Excel


We are working on 5 different scenarios as mentioned below:
✔️ How to remove duplicates in Excel from the list
✔️ How to remove the duplicate records from multiple columns
✔️ How to remove data based on a condition
✔️ How to highlight duplicates in Excel using Conditional Formatting
✔️ How to use the UNIQUE function to extract unique records from the data.

Learn how to use Advanced Excel and apply complex formulas in Excel.


In this video, you will learn how to use Advanced Excel and apply complex formulas in Excel. Here, we are using 5 different scenarios 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 :
✔️ Scenario 1 – Data Validation with Excel Formulas
✔️ Scenario 2 – Nested If (Multiple If Excel Formulas)
✔️ Scenario 3 – IF Formula + VLOOKUP Formula
✔️ Scenario 4 – Cell Referencing
✔️ Scenario 5 – VLOOKUP + Match Formula

VLOOKUP with MATCH, MIN., MAX. and IFERROR formula in excel


Learn to use VLOOKUP in excel and how to apply it in MULTIPLE conditions with multiple FORMULAS. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
✔️ Scenario 1 – Using VLOOKUP in Excel with the Match function
✔️ Scenario 2 – Using two VLOOKUP in Excel with the IFERROR formula
✔️ Scenario 3 – Using VLOOKUP with MAX and MIN formula

Excel Logical Functions in Multiple Conditions | Excel IF Function

Formula Used - IF, AND, and OR formulas

In Excel, Logical functions are important to use to fetch accurate data. What are the different scenarios or conditions where IF Formula can be used?
✔️ What are the logical functions in excel like – IF Formula, AND formula & OR formula in Excel
✔️ How to use IF Formula in Multiple Conditions or Scenarios
✔️ How to use IF with AND Formula
✔️ How to use IF with OR Formula

Excel Formatting | Text Function | Excel Tips and Tricks

Formula Used - IF, AND, and OR formulas

learn how to format data in Excel using various strategies. Here, we’ll use five different scenarios to work with various formats like as Date & Time, Cells Formatting, and inserting text values, among others. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

If you have any Excel questions, email them to support@mdatafinnovatics.com along with your Excel file. Our team will work to resolve your issue and communicate the solution to you as soon as possible.

Create a List of all Sheets with Hyperlink | List all sheet names

Learn to use Add-In through which you can create a list of all sheets (Hidden + Visible) in any of the Excel files and get the hyperlink activated automatically.
You can arrange the list of sheets in ascending and descending order as per your requirement.

Cell Referencing in Excel | How to freeze data in Excel

Formula Used - Relative, Absolute, Mixed Referencing

learn how to use Cell Referencing in Excel which means when to freeze the data or when to apply $ in the data. Types of cell referencing: Relative, Absolute, and Mixed. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
✔️ Relative Referencing: This is the default referencing where nothing is fixed, everything is dynamic.
✔️ Absolute Referencing: Here we use $ to freeze the complete cell.
✔️ Mixed Referencing: This is mixed because here we freeze an only row or only column as per the requirement.

Sumif and Sumifs Formula in Excel with Multiple Conditions

Formula Used - Sum, Sumif, and Sumifs

Learn to use the Sum, Sumif, and Sumifs Formula in multiple conditions and scenarios in Excel.🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
How to use SUMIF formula when we have conditions only from 1 single column and when have conditions from more than 1 column. 

Concatenate in Excel | TextJoin | How to Join Text Values in Excel


This video will help you to learn how you can join multiple text values in excel within a cell.🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
We’ve covered the CONCAT, Concatenate, and TextJoin Advanced Excel formulas, as well as their benefits and drawbacks. 

Concatenate in Excel | TextJoin | How to Join Text Values in Excel

Formula Used - XLOOKUP, MLOOKUP Formula

Mlookup add-in is the complete solution for xlookup add-in.🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
✔️ Download, install, and use MLOOKUP Formula Add-Ins in Excel
✔️ Xlookup add-in download for excel 2016
✔️ Excel xlookup Add-ins in Hindi can remove the limitations of Vlookup formula
✔️ This excel Add-ins can be used in many versions of excel like excel 2013, 2016, and many more.

PMT | Loan Instalment Calculation / What if Analysis Technique | Loan EMI Calculation

Formula Used - What-if-Analysis technique

Learn how to calculate Loan installments at different intervals.  🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 
✔️ How to use IF formula in excel with multiple conditions 
✔️ How to use AND formula with IF Formula in Excel 
✔️ How to OR formula with IF formula in multiple conditions
✔️ How to use AND formula with OR and IF formula in Excel| Multiple IF Formula together

Excel drop down list | Data Validation in Excel

Formula Used - Data Validation in Excel

This video is beneficial for everyone who is interested to learn Data Validation in Excel. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
✔️ How to restrict users not to entering wrong information in Excel
✔️ How to create excel drop-down list
✔️ How to use Formulas in Data Validation

7 unique ways to protect your Excel file | How to protect cells, data and file in excel without VBA

Formula Used - Data Protection in Excel

Learn 7 unique methods to protect your Excel file. This is very beneficial for those who work on Excel and want to learn how to protect Excel sheets from Basic to Advanced levels

Coronavirus 2019 Dashboard in Excel | COVID 2019

This video is to discuss Dashboards in Excel. We have created a Dashboard on COVID-19 Live data and shared how to transform your Raw data into useful information with the help of Dashboards. Share your feedback and comments if any.

IF Formula in Excel with Multiple Conditions | Excel IF Function

The most important formula in excel is IF, which is a logical function. IF function can also be used at an advanced level in different scenarios. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 
✔️ What is IF Formula in Excel
✔️ How to use If Formula in Excel with Multiple Conditions
✔️ How to use IF Formula with VLOOKUP Formula
✔️ What is Nested IF and how to use